How to figure it all out
Take the first step. That’s it.
Does that annoy you? That there’s no easy answer? Read again…
The things that hold us up from starting/doing/reaching are all the questions:
What if it doesn’t work out like I want it to? What if everyone sucks? What if it’s the wrong decision?
And the doubts:
I might not even like it. I might get burnt out. I might fuck it up. I’ll probably suck.
But who can possibly know what’s to come of their every decision? No one. Rather, they make a decision and take the first step. Even when it’s a risk sometimes. The two simple choices are: do it or don’t. It will either work or it won’t. But if you’re a human being involved in growth and self-development to any degree, any failure will only serve as a learning step anyway. You can’t fail when you try. But you automatically fail by neglecting to try at all.
Besides, anything you could possibly imagine about what your life is going to be like in the next 6 months is probably null anyway. Life can change in the blink of an eye, every decision you make leads you down a different path, and there are so many things outside of our control. Life has a curious way of unfolding before you as you walk. You might not see the route clearly now, but as you take that first step – immersing and committing yourself – the whole scenery changes.
So THAT’S how you do this…
Guess who reached out to me today?
I wasn’t sure at first, but I actually really liked it!
That’s the universe helping you along, my friend. So, take the risk. Do the thing that you are fearing but that never leaves your mind. You are doing and trying, and believe me, it matters.